Time to get caught up on some of the happenings around here. Let's start with the most important and exciting of the last few months:
Carter Jane Fortenberry was born May 25 at 10:48 a.m. She weighed in at a whopping 5 lbs 15 oz, 19 1/2 inches long. I was scheduled to be induced about five days later, but woke up with contractions around midnight on the 25th. I timed them for an hour, woke Randy up and told him I thought we needed to go to the hospital. He told me to keep timing them, then he went back to sleep. After timing them for three hours and calling the doctor on call I made him get up and take me to the hospital. My sister in law, Kristi, was here from Nashville to keep the kids for us. He told her we'd be back in a couple of hours. On the way there he kept telling me this was my "one free trip to the hospital". After being hooked up to the monitors for a few hours my doctor came in and decided I was indeed in labor. I hate to say I told you so, but...... Yes, Randy had to eat his words! It was a short labor and not too difficult. After a couple of pushes my sweet baby girl was here!
From day one Carter has been a good baby. Even that first week when I was getting up every hour and a half to feed her at night, she would go right back to sleep. At 6 weeks she was sleeping 5-6 hours a night and now, at 8 weeks is sleeping 8 hours at night! Think at 10 weeks she'll be sleeping 10 hours at night? That would be awesome!! She has started smiling and trying to talk to talk baby talk to us. She has two cute little dimples. When she smiles her whole face lights up! She cries when she's hungry, poopy, or sleepy. If every baby was this easy I'd have a whole brood of them! Wait, I do have a whole brood, even though they all weren't as easy as she's been. The kids are loving her. Tyler is an awesome big brother. He helps feed her some, no diaper changing yet though (don't worry, it's coming)! Hailey is a HUGE help. She loves being Carter's other little mommy. She changes her clothes, her diaper, and feeds her. Sadie makes sure Carter knows she's loved. Carter probably receives fifty kisses a day from her little big sister. As you know from some of my previous posts, Sadie is a little on the mischievious side, so we have to watch her. Randy found a zip tie on Carters fingers the other day that Sadie had put there. We explained to Sadie that babies can get things in their mouths and choke so she can't be trying to "bling" up the baby. As you can tell I'm totally in love with this baby and can't imagine life without her.
Some other happenings:
Randy had shoulder surgery a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. He's still been in a lot of pain and recovery will take a while, but he can function better than we thought.
Our company, United Steel Works is steadily getting jobs. Tyler has been working in the office this summer to earn some gas money. I think he's learned a lot and has a new respect for the construction industry. As of last week I am the Business Administrator. Fancy title, huh? I'm really just a glorified bookeeper. I still have my real job at Trinity United Methodist, I'm just going to spend an hour or two a day on the USW stuff.
Speaking of Trinity, I go back to work a week from tomorrow. I've had a good maternity leave. The kids and I have gone to the pool alot, bowling some, and just hung out together. Tyler spends most of his time with his best friend Justin. Last week the girls went to Trinity for Vacation Bible School. They had the best time! Trinity does an awesome VBS every year and has other great programs that the kids have gone to over the years I've worked there.
I found the sweetest person to keep Carter when I go back to work. She's a girl I go to church with who keeps kids in her home. I'm so thankful Carter was able to get a spot with her and won't have to go to daycare. It's going to make going back to work so much easier.
All in all we're having a pretty good summer. I'm looking forward to the fall and some cooler weather. Praying for more work for the company. Praying for good teachers and a good start to the school year for the kids. Sadie starts big school this year, so praying that transition goes smoothly.
I guess I need to change the name of the blog since we're up to six now. Should it be six fortenberries? Any suggestions? Email me, send me a fb message, or just call me with any ideas!
It's a Cherry of a Hodgepodge
3 days ago
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