2010 was a roller coaster of ups and downs. We planned and went on our first Disneyworld trip. During that trip one of Randy's best friends was killed in a car accident. The following month Randy was laid off from his job. We immediately began the process to start our own company (talk about stressful). Thanks to the help of lots of friends it has not been nearly as painful as I thought it would be. United Steel Works, Inc. is slowly getting work and paying the bills. We found out we're having a baby, due June 2!! Tyler turned 16 (that has been MORE painful than I thought it would be). And last but certainly not least, I have a new baby niece. Shayden Elizabeth graced this world on December 28! This brings me to a total of 7 nieces and nephews! I'm so glad 2010 ended on a good note! God has blessed us so much!
The kids had a great Christmas. Actually, I think it was one of the best Christmases ever! We put a lot of thought into what we got them and didn't go overboard with a bunch of junky stuff. It was just the right amount and everyone was happy. For the first time since we've been married we had a traditional New Years meal complete with ham, black eyed peas and cornbread. No greens, I couldn't stand the smell. We substituted with sweet and sour green beans (an awesome recipe courtesy of my friend Lisa).
I'm glad 2010 is over. It was a year of change and growth, both of which can be painful. I'm looking forward to 2011. Our new baby, spending time with my family and friends, new business opportunities and just seeing what God has in store for us!
It's a Cherry of a Hodgepodge
3 days ago