Sadie always keeps us laughing. One day this week I was changing clothes after work and she was in my room talking to me. She got quiet for a minute then said, "Little girls wear little girl panties, Big Mama's wear big mama panties."
Randy seems to have a way with babies. All in the same day he rocked my nephew Hudson and our best friends' baby Sam to sleep. We've decided to call him the Baby Whisperer.
Hailey's birthday was September 5. She got a new bike for her birthday from us and tickets for her and two of her friends to see Taylor Swift in concert the following weekend. She took Raechel and Molly. The girls spent the night with Hailey the night of the concert. Hailey and Raechel made posters to take to the concert. Of course we had to buy t-shirts when we got there. At one point during the concert Taylor had gone in for a costume change and Molly had to go to the restroom. I reluctantly took her, I was afraid we'd miss something. When we walked out of the arena Taylor walked right by us with her security guards! She was going to sing in the audience about three sections down from us. We were so excited! I will never again groan when one of my kids needs a bathroom break! In addition to what Randy & I gave her she received a camera from Nana & Bertie, a Justice gift card from Aunt Alicia, money from J & Kristi, a High School Musical Barbie set from Mimi & Popi, a Nintendo DS game from the Moon's, American Girl doll clothes and a HSM magic 8 ball from Greg, Andrea & Sam, and some money from friends. She had a great birthday!!!!